Summary of the American Communist Party

The American Communist Party is the formal reconstitution of the Communist Party USA, as the official Communist Party of the current territory of both the United States and Canada. You can read more about this in the official declaration.

Onboarding Process

To apply to join an existing chapter, first register and apply to join on the website. After passing the national vetting process, you will be directed to the chapter for your state.

To apply to form an official chapter of the Party, you must have already established an informal association whose individuals have reached an established threshold in number.

Party Alignment

All Chapters aligned with the Party, including all affiliated social media accounts, are registered and verified exclusively on the official public blockchain ledger and displayed regionally on the American Communist Party interactive map.

Currently, the official social media accounts are:

All official chapter accounts can be found using the interactive map, and their posts proving control by the chapter executive can be cryptographically verified.

No other accounts on any platform are legitimate representatives of the Party

Blockchain Information

We will be using blockchain technology to transparently store information about chapters and membership and to verify social media accounts and messages using cryptographic signatures. We will not be issuing any crypto coins or tokens for any reason.

A New Type of Communist Party

The broad aim of the American Communist Party is the incorporation of technology to both decentralize the scope and scale of practical Party activity, while simultaneously verifying Party alignment in an objective manner.

This includes the employment of objective criteria to incentivize the yielding of tangible, practical results on a national scale, and a public ledger containing precise information about the alignment of new Chapters, or dis-alignment of existing ones.